Return & refund policy

Thank you for your purchase. We hope you are happy with your purchase. For whatever reason you are not satisfy,please contact our customer support team
or contact our online customer service.



If you are not satisfied with the product for any reason and want to exchange or refund, please make sure that the following conditions are met:


Wrong Products

If we send the wrong product, the wrong product will be refunded in full or reissued in the next order. (Except replacement products)



If you find that the product is damaged after receiving the goods, please contact us. We will refund the damaged product or compensate you for the damaged product in the next order.


Less Products

If you find that we have sent less products after receiving the package, please contact us. We will compensate the missing products or refund the missing products in the next order.


Product don’t work as expected

If you find the product not working well, please contact us. We will refund the product or reissue the product in the next order.


Not receive the goods

If the logistics is not updated for more than 10 days after you receive the order number, we will compensate you 20% of the order amount and reissue the package.

Note: If the wrong products, damaged products, less products, please make sure you contact us within 10 days of receiving the goods.



The following conditions cannot be refund:

Cancel order after delivery

Due to the nature of our business and the materials shipped, we cannot offer refunds once your order is shipped. If you have a problem with your order, please Contact Us to resolve the issue.

Slow logistics update

Occassionally we will have customers who place an order for materials to make things for their customers on a deadline. There are often unforeseen circumstances such as delays with the courier, products arrive damaged during shipping or we may even make a mistake on an order. We do not offer refunds because your orders did not meet a deadline and we do not offer compensation based on lost revenue due to these unforeseen circumstances. If you are making products to sell we recommend keeping a stock of materials on-hand to ensure you do not encounter this issue. We always have and always will honor our commitment to get you the products you ordered as quickly as possible, but unfortunately unforeseen thing do happen to cause delays on a small percentage of orders.



None of the above operations require return.

After contacting customer service to verify the corresponding situation, we will arrange a refund or arrange for another or next shipment.



If you want to change to a higher or lower value product, we will let you make up the extra price, or we will compensate for the cheaper price. There can only be one exchange opportunity per order, and it needs to be before the order is sent.